Used to quickly select a date range
If <DateRangePicker>
does not satisfy the business scenario in which you select the time range, you can use two DatePicker combinations.
import { DateRangePicker } from 'rsuite';
// or
import DateRangePicker from 'rsuite/DateRangePicker';
Date Time or Time
Select Whole Week, Whole Month
One tap
Show Week Numbers
Show One Calendar
Disabled and Readonly
is a function type property that is called when the calendar is rendered and the date is selected, and the options that need to be disabled can be customized according to the business. The syntax is as follows:
date: Date, // Date used to determine if disabling is required.
selectDate: Array<Date>, // Date selected.
selectedDone: boolean, // Whether to choose to finish now. If `false`, only the start date is selected, waiting for the selection end date.
target: 'CALENDAR', 'TOOLBAR_BUTTON_OK', 'TOOLBAR_SHORTCUT' // Call the target of the `disabledDate` function
) => boolean
To make it easier to set the date you want to disable, DateRangePicker
provides some methods for easy calling, examples:
import { DateRangePicker } from 'rsuite';
const { combine, allowedMaxDays, beforeToday } = DateRangePicker;
ReactDOM.render(<DateRangePicker disabledDate={combine(allowedMaxDays(7), beforeToday())} />);
Allow the maximum number of days specified, other dates are disabled
allowedMaxDays(days: number) => boolean
Only allowed days are specified, other dates are disabled
allowedDays(days: number) => boolean
Allow specified date range, other dates are disabled
allowedRange( startDate: string | Date, endDate: string | Date) => boolean
Disable dates after the specified date
after(date?: string | Date) => boolean
Disable dates after today
afterToday() => boolean
Disable dates before the specified date
before(date?: string | Date) => boolean
Disable dates before today
beforeToday() => boolean
Used to combine multiple conditions
combine(...) => boolean
Disable input
allows date and time input via keyboard by default, if you wish to disable it, you can disable editing by setting editable={false}
Predefined Date Ranges
Learn more in Accessibility.
Property | Type(default) |
Description |
appearance | 'default' | 'subtle' ('default') |
Set picker appearence |
block | boolean | Blocking an entire row |
caretAs | ElementType | Custom component for the caret icon |
character | string (' ~ ') |
The character that separates two dates |
cleanable | boolean (true) |
Whether the selected value can be cleared |
container | HTMLElement | (() => HTMLElement) | Sets the rendering container |
defaultCalendarValue | ValueType | Default calendar panel date |
defaultOpen | boolean | Default value of open property |
defaultValue | ValueType | Default value |
disabled | boolean | Whether disabled the component |
disabledDate | DisabledDateFunction | Deprecated. Use shouldDisableDate instead |
editable | boolean (true) |
Rendered as an input, the date can be entered via the keyboard |
format | string ('yyyy-MM-dd') |
Format date refer to date-fns format |
hoverRange | unions: 'week', 'month' or (date: Date) => ValueType | The date range that will be selected when you click on the date |
isoWeek | boolean | ISO 8601 standard, each calendar week begins on Monday and Sunday on the seventh day |
limitEndYear | number (1000) |
Sets the lower limit of the available year relative to the current selection date |
locale | CalendarLocaleType | Locale text |
onChange | (value: ValueType) => void | Callback fired when value changed |
onClean | (event) => void | Callback fired when value clean |
onClose | () => void | Callback fired when close component |
onEnter | () => void | Callback fired before the overlay transitions in |
onEntered | () => void | Callback fired after the overlay finishes transitioning in |
onEntering | () => void | Callback fired as the overlay begins to transition in |
oneTap | boolean | Whether to click once on selected date range,Can be used with hoverRange |
onExit | () => void | Callback fired right before the overlay transitions out |
onExited | () => void | Callback fired after the overlay finishes transitioning out |
onExiting | () => void | Callback fired as the overlay begins to transition out |
onOk | (value: ValueType) => void | Callback fired when clicked OK button |
onOpen | () => void | Callback fired when open component |
onSelect | (date:Date) => void | Callback fired when date is selected |
open | boolean | whether open the component |
placeholder | string | Setting placeholders |
placement | Placement ('bottomStart') |
The placement of component |
preventOverflow | boolean | Prevent floating element overflow |
ranges | Range[] (Ranges) | Set predefined date ranges the user can select from. Default: Today ,Yesterday ,Last 7 days |
renderTitle | (date: Date) => ReactNode | Custom render for month's title |
renderValue | (value: ValueType, format: string) => ReactNode | Custom render selected date range |
shouldDisableDate | DisabledDateFunction | Disabled date |
showMeridian | boolean | Display hours in 12 format |
showOneCalendar | boolen | Whether to show only one calendar |
showWeekNumbers | boolean | Whether to show week numbers |
size | 'lg' | 'md' | 'sm' | 'xs' ('md') |
A picker can have different sizes |
toggleAs | ElementType ('a') |
You can use a custom element for this component |
value | ValueType | Value (Controlled) |
type Placement =
| 'bottomStart'
| 'bottomEnd'
| 'topStart'
| 'topEnd'
| 'leftStart'
| 'leftEnd'
| 'rightStart'
| 'rightEnd'
| 'auto'
| 'autoVerticalStart'
| 'autoVerticalEnd'
| 'autoHorizontalStart'
| 'autoHorizontalEnd';
interface Range {
label: ReactNode;
value: Date | ((date: Date) => Date);
closeOverlay?: boolean;
// Sets the position where the predefined range is displayed, the default is bottom.
placement?: 'bottom' | 'left';
type ValueType = [Date, Date];
type DisabledDateFunction = (
/** Date used to determine if disabling is required. */
date: Date,
/** Date selected. */
selectDate?: ValueType,
Whether to choose to finish now.
If `false`, only the start date is selected, waiting for the selection end date.
selectedDone?: boolean,
// Call the target of the `disabledDate` function
) => boolean;
import { startOfDay, endOfDay, addDays, subDays } from 'date-fns';
const Ranges = [
label: 'today',
value: [startOfDay(new Date()), endOfDay(new Date())]
label: 'yesterday',
value: [startOfDay(addDays(new Date(), -1)), endOfDay(addDays(new Date(), -1))]
label: 'last7Days',
value: [startOfDay(subDays(new Date(), 6)), endOfDay(new Date())]